What if you could fall back in love, deeper than ever?

I know exactly what it’s like—you’ve tried everything under the sun to fix things. And yet, your relationship still feels more like a pair of dysfunctional roommates than a loving, passionate connection.

It’s frustrating, right?

Finally, there's something that's proven to work with real couples.

What if you could fall back in love, deeper than ever?

I know exactly what it’s like—you’ve tried everything under the sun to fix things.

The books, the podcasts, maybe even a therapist or two. And yet, your relationship still feels more like a pair of dysfunctional roommates than a loving, passionate connection.

It’s frustrating, right?

Finally, there's something that's proven to work with real couples.

client love

They made breakthroughs in just a few days

"I always have been a person that likes to learn and try new things and see what works and what doesn't. Your approach and your understanding and the way you have been there and supporting us has been working great.  I feel really listened to and valued and I appreciate it.

It was amazing how things changed for the best in just a short time. I wonder why we never tried it before!”


relationship and intimacy coaching

I see how you're struggling...

Here’s where you are Right Now:

The Never-Ending Conflict: It’s like the same argument on repeat, and you’re both tired of it. (I'm tired for you, just reading this!)

Feeling Disconnected: You love each other, but there’s this big ol’ gap between you. Emotionally. Sexually. It’s like you’ve become roommates, and neither of you signed up for that.

Communication Breakdown: Every time you try to talk about the important stuff—sex, kids, money, the future—it turns into a fight, or worse, nothing at all.

You’ve Tried to DIY: So many conversations. So many attempts to “fix” it. But no matter what you do, the same issues pop up. Sound familiar?


✦ You wake up each morning feeling close to your partner

✦ You navigate the day's challenges together, knowing you can communicate openly and solve problems as a team.

✦When conflicts arise, you solve them quickly and with respect

✦ You both feel more desire for each other than you have in years and find your sexual connection with ease


And the best part? You can start seeing changes in just a couple of days—or you can ease into it over several weeks.

Either way, the results will last.


✦ You wake up each morning feeling close to your partner

✦ You navigate the day's challenges together, knowing you can communicate openly and solve problems as a team.

✦When conflicts arise, you solve them quickly and with respect

✦ You both feel more desire for each other than you have in years and find your sexual connection with ease



And the best part? You can start seeing changes in just a couple of days—or you can ease into it over several weeks.

Either way, the results will last.

Why it works

Developed by master relationship mentor, Terry Real, Relational Life Therapy (RLT) breaks the rules of traditional therapy.

It's deep, it’s honest, and it doesn’t waste time.

Why it works

Developed by master relationship mentor, Terry Real, Relational Life Therapy (RLT) breaks the rules of traditional therapy.

It's deep, it’s honest, and it doesn’t waste time.



I’ll pinpoint the behaviors that are hurting your relationship and help you see how they’re playing out. This is done with compassion, but it’s also real talk for both of you —no sugarcoating, no taking sides


Focus on Empowering Action, Not Just Talking

RLT isn’t about venting frustrations for the sake of it, just taking enough pressure off to get you to the next session. The goal is to equip you with practical tools that can transform your relationship long after the sessions are over.


Deep Transformation & Healing in Real-Time

Unlike many therapies where individuals work through their issues separately, RLT brings the work into the room with both partners present. We work through deep emotional healing, right there in front of your partner. Watching your partner in their most vulnerable, healing moments creates a new level of empathy, understanding, and connection.


Fast, Focused Progress

While traditional therapy might stretch out over months or even years, RLT expects (and often delivers) dramatic improvement in a matter of days or weeks. You’ll notice the shift early on—whether we work intensively over 2 days or take our time over several weeks. We set a high bar, and I’ll guide you through meeting it with courage, honesty, and compassion.



Addiction and compulsion drive people to a level of desperation that paradoxically has the power to unlock huge growth. I experience the ongoing miracles of recovery in my own journey with food, alcohol, money, and betrayal trauma.

My skill at deploying the 12 steps allows even non-addict clients to benefit from this potent system for releasing resentment, embracing life on life's terms, and creating transformation beyond what we could have anticipated.


I have studied Kriya Yoga, brought to the United States by Paramahansa Yogananda in the 1920s. He authored Autobiography of a Yogi and helped translate Sutra-based and

Bhagavad Gita-based meditation and breathwork practices for non-monastic spiritual seekers.

Observing the mind is the foundation of reducing reactivity in our relationships. I teach my clients mindfulness practices that dovetail with any other religious or spiritual perspective.

Your Next Step:


Let’s chat.

I’ll listen to where you’re at in your relationship and help you figure out if this experience is right for you.

The consultation is totally free—no strings attached, just an honest conversation to see if we’re a good fit. Whether you want to devote a weekend to a 2-day intensive or spread your transformation over 8-12 weeks, there is an option for everyone.

My experience,

your transformation

Michele Lisenbury Christensen, MA

Hi, I'm Michele! I’m a Certified RLT Relational Coach and sex & relationship mentor.

From my personal pain and triumphs and 27 years of professional practice, I've learned what relationships actually need to thrive. I help you stop settling for lukewarm love and start experiencing the deep, lasting connection you truly desire.

My experience,

your transformation

Michele Lisenbury Christensen, MA

Hi, I'm Michele! I’m a Certified RLT Relational Coach and sex & relationship mentor.

From my personal pain and triumphs and 27 years of professional practice, I've learned what relationships actually need to thrive.

I help you stop settling for lukewarm love and start experiencing the deep, lasting connection you truly desire.



How does RLT work?

Using a range of powerful diagnostic and transformative tools, RLT helps people to first reconnect to themselves—their feelings, needs, and desires—to build a stronger, more intimate connection with their partner.

Step 1: Waking Up

RLT therapists use loving confrontation to wake clients up to their negative behaviors in a direct but compassionate way. We show clients the difficult truths about how they are harming their relationships in a way that builds trust rather than resistance.

Step 2: Healing & Transformation

Swiftly get to the root of negative behaviors, understand them, and overcome them. Unique to RLT, deep trauma and inner child work is done in the presence of the partner. This allows individuals to go deeper and couples to grow closer.

Step 3: Relational Skills For Life

RLT equips people with the powerful tools they need to continue building authentic, healthy relationships long after their time in therapy is over—the key to creating change that lasts.

(via relationallife.com. Read more about RLT here.)

How long does this process take?

I strongly recommend that all couples start with a 2-day intensive so we can build the traction that we need to see those big changes. If that's not possible, I may recommend starting with a couple of sessions a week to get us started. I am happy to help you decide which option is right for you!

Depending on your desires and schedule, you can start see results in your relationship in anywhere from 2 days to 8-12 weeks of coaching with me. You will then continue to build on your results either on your own or with my support. Watch your communication and intimacy grow over the next 6 months.

Relational Life Therapy Intensive

I know it sounds too good to be true, but we can make 2-3 months' worth of progress in just a weekend. We will meet 3 times over 2-3 days, for 90 minutes to 2 hours each time. 

We work in a very specific focused way, where you allow me to guide the conversation to really get at the root of your struggle and pinpoint its source, then create a new pattern in each of you that builds the relationship you really want.

Offered virtually or in-person

Relational Life Therapy Coaching

Whether as follow up to an intensive or as a regular occurrence, we can spread our sessions out over several weeks or months, giving you and your partner more time to digest and practice each step of the journey so you can break out of the cycle of conflict and create lasting change in your marriage & sex life.

Offered virtually or in-person

Relational Life Therapy Bootcamp

In this 2-day "bootcamp," I'll teach you everything you wish you knew about how relationships ACTUALLY grow from honeymoon phase to lifelong love and how to show up for BOTH yourself and your partner every day without losing touch with either. I host these 2-day workshops in the juiciest, most fun locations I can. Drop me a line if there's somewhere you'd love to spend 2 days with me and then the rest of the week with your beloved (and your kids, if you like!  We'll arrange for kids' activities for the workshop times if there's need for that)!  Maui?  My hometown of Anchorage?  NYC?  Let's do this!

Offered in-person only

How do I get started?

Set up a consult call and tell me where you are now: It’s 100% free to meet with me and discuss whether this experience is right for you.

Book your consultation call now.


The bottom line is this:

You love your partner, but something has to change.

Ignoring the problems in the name of not wanting to "rock the boat" only allows them fester. The simmering resentments, the broken communication, and the emotional distance are slowly eating away at what brought you two together in the first place.

So, stop settling: You don't want to let unresolved issues go on for a minute longer than they need to.

It is a daily joy to witness and contribute to


with support, evidence-based tools, and open-hearted practice. You can hear it from them: