A powerful toolkit for discovering
& asking for what you want
(in love, in bed, and beyond)

Unlimited access: $199
Summer Special: $77

The Desire Whisperer Includes:

✦ A 26 page guided playbook with powerful mini lessons

✦ Experiential exercises to guide you through all your obstacles
and map their antidotes

✦ An audio visualization you can use again and again to connect with
your most fulfilled self

✦ A curated playlist of my best thinking on desire for listening on-the-go

✦ A library of answers to common questions about your desires

✦ "Cheat code" guides to help you ask for what you want
with done-for-you language examples

...so you can know what you want, blast the obstacles to letting yourself have it, ask for it, and let it in.

It’s perfect for you if you're a self-aware woman who wants more in love, sex, and partnership... BUT:

✦ You're afraid you want too much

✦ You don't see anyone else having what you want
(or you think they're different from you)

✦ You worry what you want isn't possible for you
(or with the partner you currently have)

✦ You second-guess or downgrade what you really want

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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